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Text Channels to Subscribe To This Month: February 2024

Written by Subtext | Feb 1, 2024

With an extra 24 hours this month, it's a great time to expand your horizons whether you're looking to learn more about the elections, stay up-to-date on your town, or expand your horizons to new music. Check out our top picks to make the most of a short month. 

Text with Tumulty:

Karen Tumulty, Editor for The Washington Post has been closely following the primary elections with incredible comprehensive coverage. Whether you're interested in politics, or just looking to stay informed this election season, Text with Tumulty, and you'll be in the know. FREE 

Grammar Girl's Grammarpalooza:

Linguists and Grammarpaloozians rejoice! Grammar Girl joins Subtext with her SMS channel providing language facts, behind-the-scenes content, and links to the weekly podcast. $4.99/MONTH

Paula Hartmann:

Magst du Paula Hartmann? Stay up-to-date with the German artist from tours to behind-the-scenes and new music on March 8th. FREE

Andover Insider:

Residents of Andover, MA can get the latest news from the town offices and what's happening in the community delivered right to their phones. Citizens will receive texts about projects, events, and programs happening right in their community. FREE

The Texas Tribune's Voting Help Desk:

With only 66% of the voting population turning up for the 2020 presidential election, The Texas Tribune has put out an SMS channel to help voters in the Lone Star State be aware of deadlines, receive instant election information, and get a direct line to the team of hard-working journalists to get your questions answered. FREE

We hope you enjoy our February suggestions and have a great month!

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