SMS Marketing Blog | Subtext

Winning e-Commerce Text Message Marketing Campaigns

Written by Subtext | May 9, 2024

The world isn’t just becoming increasingly digital; it’s also becoming more mobile-centric daily. Consumers have their phones practically attached to their hips, making text messages a powerful personal marketing channel. For companies in e-commerce, text message campaigns offer a way to grab customer attention and spark engagement at their highest point of interest.

With open rates as high as 98%, strategic text messages can boost traffic, conversions, and revenue. In the crowded e-commerce landscape, this can give your business a power-packed competitive edge.

Here’s how to master the art of brief, hyper-targeted texts to convert casual browsers into loyal buyers.

7 SMS Marketing Campaigns for e-Commerce Companies

Effective e-commerce text message campaigns are more than one-size-fits-all. The success of each initiative is tied directly to what you hope to achieve—some campaigns have a singular purpose, while others must accomplish multiple objectives simultaneously.

(If you need a primer on SMS marketing, start with our introductory guide here.)

1. For Encouraging Immediate Action

When you need to drive results fast, time-sensitive campaigns, like limited flash sales and discounts, can prompt your customers to act quickly and take action before an offer expires. This type can drive urgency to boost conversions with a simple “tap to purchase” call to action.

2. For Offering VIP Access

Exclusive campaigns reward subscribers and loyal customers with VIP access to upcoming product launches, restock alerts, or sales. These campaigns are ideal for fostering loyalty and creating a sense of exclusivity for your customers.

3. For Recovering Lost Sales

Abandoned cart reminders or remarketing messages, especially with personalized incentives, can entice customers who show interest in your products to complete their purchases. This strategy helps recover potential revenue and builds customer relationships by demonstrating an active presence with them.

4. For Building Hype

These excitement-building campaigns can tease upcoming releases or limited-time promotions with SMS alerts featuring pictures, videos, or countdowns. Countdown campaigns present an opportunity to follow up with reminders to maximize anticipation before a launch date.

5. For Requesting Feedback

Post-purchase campaigns allow you to collect customer feedback through surveys or polls—a lightweight way for customers to rate their experience. This valuable data informs strategies to reduce customer friction and boost satisfaction.

6. For Event Invitations

Whether virtual or physical, text messages are an excellent way to invite customers to events like pop-ups, workshops, live streams, or store openings. Easy RSVP mechanisms can increase engagement and event attendance rates with just a few taps.

7. For Brand Reinforcement

These campaigns are all about maintaining visibility with customers rather than directly promoting products or driving sales. Brand awareness campaigns are valuable for solidifying your brand and building long-term relationships with loyal customers.

Effective e-Commerce Text Message Strategies

Driven by one or more goals, several e-commerce text message marketing strategies translate your intentions into real-world results.

Send Personalized Messages

Personalized SMS campaigns outperform generic blasts. About 90% of customers are interested in being treated like a person rather than a number. The more relevant the touchpoint, the more customers feel understood and catered to.

To personalize text campaigns, segment your customer list by behaviors, preferences, and purchase history to dynamically populate messages with content like:

  • Customer name or other identifiers
  • References to product categories they’re interested in
  • Post-purchase followups
  • Suggestions for complementary products

It’s best to keep these messages concise, keeping content value and user experience at the forefront of every campaign.

Need more tips for understanding and engaging your audience? Here are 6 helpful strategies that work.

Consider Timing and Frequency

Cadence is key to finding the right spot between staying top-of-mind and overwhelming your customers’ inboxes. Apart from basic text etiquette, like minding character limits and work hours, there is no universally accepted frequency or time of day to earn results. Instead, it’s important to look to your personal metrics for guidance.

Monitor metrics like unsubscribe rates and conversions to find the right cadence for your audience. From there, you can send timely messages, such as: 

  • Sale alerts during peak engagement periods
  • Recurring reminders when it’s time to replenish a product
  • New customer or purchase-driven text sequences

Creating urgency around time-sensitive promotions is a solid marketing strategy, but over-messaging can sacrifice brand sentiment and customer relationships. Find a good balance for your business, and always respect audience permissions and preferences.

Tip: Explore further with 12 essential SMS best practices to maximize your e-commerce advertising efforts.

Incorporate Multimedia

Text messages are no longer just text. Visuals like images, videos, and GIFs are compelling ways to grab attention and get your message across. Multimedia messaging can sell an experience in the midst of digital fatigue, especially in a customer’s text-heavy inbox.

Consider incorporating:

  • Product images or well-designed graphics
  • Gifs to convey brand personality
  • Videos to demo products and features

Just make sure any visual media is properly compressed and formatted for delivery.

Offer Exclusive Content and Deals

It pays off to make your customers feel like valued VIPs. Incentivize opt-ins with special insider discounts, promo codes, and access to pre-sale events. This cultivates a sense of community that can increase your subscriber base.

In addition to exclusive offers, you can also share content reserved only for subscribers like:

  • Links to guides for styling or unique use case examples
  • Curated tips and tricks for specific products
  • Early looks at new products before public release

A members-only experience is a great way to invite customers to participate in your brand, whether through private sales or limited-quantity offers, rather than passively observing.

Analyze Key Metrics

To run a successful campaign, one powered by intention, knowing where you stand with your audience is crucial. Closely analyze key SMS metrics such as:

  • Opt-in and opt-out rates
  • Open rates
  • Conversion rates from text to site and purchases
  • Click-through rates
  • Customer feedback

Identify high and low-performing messages to help fine-tune your strategies. Switching up variables like send times, personalization tactics, and the inclusion of text copy vs. multimedia can help test the success of text messages.

Remember: Leveraging analytics tools isn’t a one-time event. It takes continuous analysis for iterative improvements.

Mix and Match Tactics

By combining two or more strategies into one campaign, you can create dynamic and engaging messages that achieve multiple aims at the same time. For example:

Craft personalized messages with exclusive promotions tailored to their shopping history.
Send out flash sales during peak times using branded GIFs to capture attention. 
Use images in timed countdown messages for subscribers signed up for VIP events.

Adjust your approach based on ongoing analytics, and you can create more thoughtful, relevant, and, most importantly, effective e-commerce advertising campaigns that work for your brand and your audience.

Running a Successful e-Commerce Text Message Campaign

For the world of e-commerce, text messages stand out as a way to instantly connect with their customers. By mastering compelling text strategies, forward-thinking online retailers can cultivate improved customer loyalty and lucrative revenue streams.

The key lies in understanding your audience. This is best done by utilizing the right tools to make genuine, real-time connections with your customers that inform your strategies and build lasting relationships.

Seize the SMS opportunity today with Subtext. Explore how our text messaging platform features can help you maximize your marketing campaigns and see how Subtext has helped businesses like yours achieve unprecedented growth.

Ready to get started? Book a demo today.