Text Channels to Subscribe To This Month: April 2023

Spring has finally sprung. With warmer months ahead, we're looking at our favorite channels this month. Here are our April picks: 

Live Better with Little Effort:

The Washington Post has released its first Subtext channel. "Live Better with Little Effort" text message course offers fun and easy advice for improving your space, in four categories: Cleaning, organizing, houseplant care, and DIY projects. Move at your own pace and make things easier with their self-guided course. FREE

Campaigns of the Month - April-4

Block Club Chicago:

Breaking alerts and the most important news stories from this nonprofit newsroom that focuses on the neighborhoods of Chicago. FREE 

Campaigns of the Month - April

NY Cannabis Insider Updates:

Interested in the cannabis market in New York? NY Cannabis Insider is a quick and easy way to talk to reporters and stay up to day on all things cannabis related in New York State. FREE

Campaigns of the Month - April-1

CBC Toronto: Workers Wanted: 

In the wake of an ever-changing labor market, CBC Toronto has launched a highly engaging channel discussing issues in the trades and educational barriers. Topics include labor shortages, pay rates, and tidbits people don't know about the work happening in Toronto. FREE

Campaigns of the Month - April-3

Proximity Media Updates: 

Get the latest scoop on everything Proximity Media, including the latest on their podcast, IN PROXIMITY.  FREE

Campaigns of the Month - April-2

We hope you enjoy our April suggestions and have a great month!

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