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Building Customer Loyalty: SMS Loyalty Programs

Written by Subtext | Jul 2, 2024

Today’s marketplace is more competitive than ever—at least 90% of businesses say the competition in their industry has grown intense. To stay afloat, companies must outperform not only their competitors but also their own tried-and-true formulas for success.

To thrive, companies need to innovate strategies for building customer loyalty. Though traditional loyalty programs based on points have long been a retention strategy staple, they often fall short when engaging customers beyond the initial incentive.

SMS loyalty programs are a powerful answer to this challenge. With these programs, companies can harness text messages to create authentic customer connections and drive lasting engagement.

A Look at Traditional Loyalty Programs

Customers want to feel valued and appreciated for their business. Did you know that 88% of customers now rank the experience a company delivers as equally important to its products or services? Discounts, freebies, and exclusive offers aren’t just ways for customers to score a deal—they’re vital for continued satisfaction.

Traditional loyalty programs are widely utilized and often include:

  • Points-based programs where customers earn credits with each purchase
  • Tiered loyalty programs where customers progress through different levels of rewards
  • Punch card programs where customers receive a stamp with each purchase

These earned points or credits are a flexible means for brands to offer their own rewards, increased benefits, free products or services, and exclusive discounts.

Where Traditional Programs Fail

These programs are enticing at first but can fizzle out fairly quickly. Why? Because they don’t always maintain customer interest and excitement.

The reason lies in a critical disconnect: When focused on building customer loyalty, businesses often forget that customers must also commit to the program itself.

Loyalty is a two-way street. It's not enough to simply provide a platform for accumulating points.

Companies must actively nurture a sense of emotional investment and connection through their loyalty program. Without personalization and interactivity, loyalty programs risk becoming mere transactional mechanisms, failing to tap into the full potential of customer loyalty as a driver of long-term business success.

How to Build Customer Loyalty with SMS Engagement

To truly build customer loyalty, businesses must go beyond the average points-based approach and leverage more engaging strategies.

SMS engagement turns any average loyalty marketing program into a dynamic conversation. 91% of customers want businesses to text them. Here’s why it works.

Two-Way Communication

One key advantage of SMS engagement is the ability to open up two-way communication channels with the people who keep you in business: your customers.

Where traditional loyalty programs rely on one-sided broadcast channels, SMS allows businesses to engage in live, back-and-forth conversations with their customers. This enables sending:

  • Surveys and polls to collect instant feedback
  • Instant redemption offers via text
  • Responses to customer suggestions

This two-way street fosters a sense of personal connection that simply isn't possible with one-way communication channels like email or direct mail. The approach creates a sense of investment, making customers feel valued and heard.

As a result, customers feel like valued individuals rather than numbers in a database.

Customer Personalization

Personalization is the keystone of building customer loyalty. 71% of customers now expect personalized touches in their interactions with a business.

SMS provides a powerful platform for tailoring experiences to individual preferences and behaviors. Data-driven insights can elevate a generic interaction into a truly meaningful, individualized experience.

Using customer data, businesses can then send targeted messages, personalized offers, and relevant content that resonates with each customer's interests and purchase history. There are many ways to accomplish this:

  • Personalized notifications about loyalty points, rewards earned, and exclusive benefits
  • Reminders for loyalty program-related events or special offers
  • Surprise rewards, personalized messages, or special thank-you offers
  • Recommended products or services that align with their shopping history or complement their loyalty rewards
  • Loyalty anniversary messages, milestone rewards, or personalized birthday notes

These personalizations enhance the overall customer experience while tangibly demonstrating a company’s commitment to catering to their customers’ unique wants and needs.

Interactive SMS Campaigns

Few things are as integral to customer retention as direct interaction. For loyalty programs, this ongoing interaction is a powerful strategic asset. It transforms the loyalty program from a transactional entity into a relational one.

Interactive SMS campaigns encourage customers to participate in real-time by responding to prompts, answering questions, or engaging in gamified experiences—and they can easily integrate into the framework of any SMS loyalty program:

  • Business Strategy: Brands can use SMS to ask customers about new products, service improvements, or their overall experience.
  • Customer Interaction: Customers can respond directly via SMS with their feedback, so brands can gather valuable insights quickly
  • Business Strategy: SMS campaigns can include quizzes or trivia questions related to the business, products and services, or industry trends.
  • Customer Interaction: Correct answers could earn points or rewards within the loyalty program.
  • Business Strategy: Businesses can send SMS messages with exclusive, time-sensitive offers or discounts.
  • Customer Interaction: Customers can respond or click a link to redeem the offer, driving instant engagement and sales.

Ongoing interaction is arguably the most effective way to build and nurture strong relationships. It’s valuable for building customer loyalty because it keeps a brand top-of-mind. When companies request customer input and reward their participation, it contributes to a positive rapport and ultimately encourages repeat business.

Incorporating interactive elements in a loyalty program makes for a memorable experience that captures customers’ attention and keeps them engaged and coming back for more.

Real-World SMS Loyalty Programs

SMS programs have proven their worth time and time again. Businesses that have embraced this effective channel regularly reap the rewards of increased engagement, reduced churn, and a strengthened connection with their customers. These real-world examples showcase the tangible impact SMS has on customer loyalty.

Gained Subscriber Momentum

Subscriber retention was a constant battle for the New York Post. Then, they introduced SMS as a subscription perk for their new campaign, Post Sports+.

The results? A staggering retainment rate as high as 87%, translating into substantial revenue gains and a more stable subscriber base.

Elevated Subscriber Engagement

Sports podcast Buckeye Talk wanted to reach loyal fans via a more personalized channel, and SMS marketing proved to be the game-changer.

Creating what podcast host Doug Lesmerises called “a constant loop of loyalty,” SMS channels led to a 10% increase in subscribers month over month—and $50k in revenue.

Improved Conversion Rates

Exceptional service is paramount for sales, which is why Bill Dickason Chevrolet turned to SMS for a better, more personalized customer experience.

Leveraging personalized SMS and audience segmentation allowed them to proactively anticipate and address customer needs according to their vehicle. This led to a 90% retention rate and an incredible $231,342 profit over 12 months.

Dive deeper into how SMS can drive results, like a 50% decrease in subscriber churn.

The Success of SMS Loyalty Programs

When measuring the powerful impact of SMS loyalty programs on customer engagement and retention, the numbers speak for themselves:

Retail and eCommerce industries generate $71 on average for every dollar spent on SMS marketing.

A full 51% of consumers are more likely to make a direct purchase after receiving an SMS with an ad, discount coupon, or QR code. Messages with images and media have higher conversion rates.

Coupons sent via SMS are redeemed 10 times more frequently than traditional options.

And most importantly, nine out of 10 consumers find significant value in participating in a texting loyalty program.

Plus, it’s easy to implement and can be highly profitable. Read more about the different ways SMS marketing can drive revenue.

Building Customer Loyalty with Subtext

With its ability to foster personal connections, deliver tailored experiences, and drive authentic engagement, SMS offers a decisive competitive edge for building loyalty with customers. Whether you're in the entertainment industry, a professional creator, or a brand looking to forge deeper connections with your audience, Subtext offers a feature-rich platform with engagement at its core.

Captivate and connect with Subtext’s SMS marketing platform. Book a demo today and discover how our cutting-edge SMS loyalty tools can revolutionize your approach to building lasting relationships with your community.