How to Use SMS to Create a More Interactive Podcast Experience

Subtext was recently named one of the most effective paid podcast strategies. The ability to monetize using Subtext has been a huge draw for hosts on the platform. Another draw has been community engagement. Podcast hosts get 10x the engagement via text when compared to social media.  Let us show  you how to use text to reach and engage your audience around your podcast featuring some of our favorite podcasts Coindesk’s New Money and Vanity Fair’s Little gold Men.

Ideas on what to text:

1. Ask fans to text in questions and host a live Q&A driving subscribers to new episodes. 

Coin Desk New Money

2. Offer exclusive podcast merch that only subscribers have access to.

3. Send podcast episode reminders when a new episode goes live to increase tune in.

Coin Desk New Money 1
4. Ask fans to send in stories to generate new content ideas for new episodes. 

Little Gold Men
5. Collect audience feedback to learn what types of content your superfans want more of.

Best practices for list building:

1. Promote across all social platforms using custom creatives with clear CTAs.

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2. Leverage special guests audiences by asking them to promote your subtext number & providing them with shareable assets.

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3. Collect questions for podcast episodes exclusively via SMS community.

4. Leverage the embed across your website. 

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Building an engaged community is one of the most important steps in creating a successful podcast. Reach out to learn how we can help support your podcast business at 

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