Text Channels to Subscribe To This Month: October 2022

Fall is here and Subtext would love to show you some of the best sms channels to subscribe to this month. We have some really amazing clients that are delivering interesting and useful content every day. Here are the Subtext team's top 5 recommendations for October: 

Jasmine Guillory: 

New York Times bestselling author of The Wedding Date, The Proposal, and more. Sign up to receive exclusive info from Jasmine and her new book Drunk on Love. FREE

Campaigns of the Month - October-Oct-10-2023-01-45-33-3629-PM

Cook/Shop by Kitchn: 

Looking for that deal on things for your kitchen? Each week, they share the latest cooking gadgets, editor-tested products, and can't-miss deals for your kitchen. FREE

2 Campaigns of the Month - October

USA Today: 

What happened today? Text directly with the USA TODAY newsroom while they make the long story short in this snappy news roundup. FREE

Campaigns of the Month - October-1-4

The MMA Shark: 

Interested in MMA and looking for advice on where to place your bets? Join The MMA Shark - described as the best MMA handicapper on the planet who specializes in UFC/Bellator/PFL & LFA. If you want to read more about MMA Shark, check out our blog post. $109.99/Month

4 Campaigns of the Month - October

Elvis: The Music: 

If you're a fan of The King, be among the first to know when new music, videos, and special offers become available. FREE

Campaigns of the Month - October-2-1

Hope you enjoy our October suggestions and reach out to tell us which are your favorites! Interested in launching your own? Reach out at hello@joinsubtext.com. 

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