How to Use SMS to Engage Voters and Constituents

Midterms kick off March 1st in Texas which begins the whirlwind of this election season. As 10DLC regulations linger, we’re here to make sure you can still utilize one of the most effective communication tools, text. We've pulled together some ideas on how you can best utilize text this election season and how to list build. 

What to text: 

1. Segment subscribers in your welcome message to ensure you’re sending pertinent information to each subscriber. Some subscribers might want campaign information, some may want reminders about key voting dates. Give them what they want through SMS segmentation.


2. Use auto replies to send personalized content by district, county or  issues.

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3. Send reminders about key voting days (registration, absentee deadlines, early voting deadlines, voting).

4. Request donations and thank donors!

5. Fight misinformation by sending pertinent information about candidates and their position on issues.

6. Organize volunteers. Utilize text to ask for volunteers as well as a communication tool for organizing. 

How to promote and list build: 

1. Batch upload existing voter files. You won't need to start from scratch! 

2. Promote your campaign across all available social profiles. Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and Twitter. Anywhere your voters live online.


3. Use keyword sign up to drive easy subscriptions.

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4. Distribute fliers with your phone number and QR codes around your community and at events.


5. Collect phone numbers at events and upload them to the campaign via CSV file. 

6. Utilize the embed feature across your website! People are more likely to subscribe when they are reading about what you're doing.


7. Make joining your texting group a CTA in all communications from newsletter to articles. 

8. Ask all supporters, staff, and high profile contacts to share the number including adding to their social media bios.

9. Make it an ask when you are doing call time.

We know that election season can be chaotic and we want to help. Reach out to our team to learn more about how Subtext can be incorporated into your election efforts at

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